While I’m normally pretty excited when a new book hits the shelves, I realized that VIKING QUEEN: THE SLEEPERS IN SHADOW has been out a week now and I hadn’t updated. Partly that’s because a lot of comic stores across the country (and the world) are shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It seems odd to hype a book that most people can’t go out and get.

That said, THE SLEEPERS IN SHADOW is available from the Source Point Press store. What’s more, Source Point is doing your local comics retailer a solid by sending them cash if you let SPP know your LCS when you buy from the site. See the video for details.
Oh, right! The other reason I haven’t been quick to post is that I’m in the process of moving house during a pandemic. Not an optimal situation, to be sure.
Hope you’re staying safe and well! My best to all out there who are afflicted and otherwise affected. See you on the other side!