As in, a video trailer for the book! Check it out!
Category: New Releases
In Stores now! Story by Jeff Balke & Paul D. Storrie, Script by Paul D. Storrie, Cover & Interior Art by David Alvarez, Colors by Jeff Balke, and Letters by Janice Chiang. Spooky Season has arrived and so has another tail…er…tale of Stanley & Friends.

Just as Halloween arrives, Chester Chipmunk claims to have solved the mystery of why a nearby woodland is known as the Forgotten Forest. His friends are sure that this is just another of his elaborate pranks. The thing is, his duck friend Billy Billington is going along with it and those two never agree! Reluctantly, Stanley Squirrel and his other friends agree to go along to learn the truth. Only what they find in the shadows under the leaves is far more weird and frightening than how the forest got its name!
In Previews Now: Stanley’s Ghost!
Excited to share that my Halloween one-shot for Storm King Comics & Jeff Balke Studios is currently available to order!
Here’s the solicitation text from the PreviewsWorld catalog:
(W) Paul D. Storrie (CA) Jeff Balke (A/CA) David Alvarez
Oh no! Who’s been stealing fruit from all the gardens in Arbordale? Was it the prankster Chester Chipmunk? Or maybe Baby Fang? Accusations fly until someone suggests that maybe it was the Ghost of Bunnyburrow Manor! Neighbors have claimed to have seen it flying around, but are ghosts even real? And if they are, why would they be stealing fruit? Stanley Squirrel offers to lead an expedition into the house to see if it really is haunted and find out just what’s been going on. But as the gang creeps around the house looking for answers, what they find isn’t what any of them were expecting!
In Shops: Oct 07, 2020
SRP: $4.99
Just copy down that Order Code (Aug201600) and take it to your local comic shop. That’s all they need to get you a copy. Or a bunch. Entirely up to you!
And, yes, the John Carpenter presenting this? It’s THAT John Carpenter!
The Latest & Greatest (& Not So Greatest)
While I’m normally pretty excited when a new book hits the shelves, I realized that VIKING QUEEN: THE SLEEPERS IN SHADOW has been out a week now and I hadn’t updated. Partly that’s because a lot of comic stores across the country (and the world) are shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It seems odd to hype a book that most people can’t go out and get.

That said, THE SLEEPERS IN SHADOW is available from the Source Point Press store. What’s more, Source Point is doing your local comics retailer a solid by sending them cash if you let SPP know your LCS when you buy from the site. See the video for details.
Oh, right! The other reason I haven’t been quick to post is that I’m in the process of moving house during a pandemic. Not an optimal situation, to be sure.
Hope you’re staying safe and well! My best to all out there who are afflicted and otherwise affected. See you on the other side!
Interview with the Pop Culture Squad!
The Pop Culture Squad is a swell website devoted to comics, movies, gaming, and…well, you guessed it: all aspects of pop culture. Recently, I had a chance to chat with Bob Harrison about the upcoming release of Harley Quinn & the Gotham Girls (collecting the 2002-2003 Gotham Girls mini-series) and the upcoming second Viking Queen story, The Sleepers in Shadow! Hope you enjoy reading/listening as much as we did talking.
Poison Ivy fans: I expect some of you will be gunning for me after this, but I want to assure you that I love Ivy a whole lot. Maybe just in a slightly different way than you do.