The Pop Culture Squad is a swell website devoted to comics, movies, gaming, and…well, you guessed it: all aspects of pop culture. Recently, I had a chance to chat with Bob Harrison about the upcoming release of Harley Quinn & the Gotham Girls (collecting the 2002-2003 Gotham Girls mini-series) and the upcoming second Viking Queen story, The Sleepers in Shadow! Hope you enjoy reading/listening as much as we did talking.
Poison Ivy fans: I expect some of you will be gunning for me after this, but I want to assure you that I love Ivy a whole lot. Maybe just in a slightly different way than you do.
Tag: Bradley Rader

Looks like dreams do come true! I’ve long hoped for a collected edition of the Gotham Girls mini-series I wrote for DC Comics way back when. People online ask me about it. People at conventions ask me about it. Until now, all I could do is point them to the digital editions (because the original comics go for 10 times the cover price or more). But no more!
I recently learned via a Tweet from World’s Finest (a wonderful online resource for the DC Animated Universe) that there’s collected edition on the way early in 2020! I expect this happy event owes much to the upcoming Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) coming next year as well. So “Thank You, Margot Robbie!!!”
Thanks should also go to my collaborators and editors on the book: Jennifer Graves (Pencils), J. Bone (Inks), Trish Mulvihill (Colors), Bradley Rader (Layouts on #3), Rick Burchett (Layouts on #5), Tim Harkins (Letter on #1), Phil Felix (Letter on #2-5), Shane Glines (Cover on #1-4), Rian Hughes (Cover on #5), Digital Chameleon (Color Separator), Harvey Richards (Asst. Editor), & Joan Hilty (Editor).
Previews Catalog Order Number, which allows you to order it from you Local Comic Shop, is NOV190545! (It’s also available for pre-order now through Amazon, but I encourage you to support your local comic shop and/or independent bookstore if you can.)
I’ll certainly be hauling an ample supply around to my convention appearances as soon as I can lay my hands on ’em.
In fact, people often ask me, “Paul, how should I buy your books? From you? From a comic store? In print? Digitally?” My answer is this: Whatever way is most convenient for you! Sure, I get the most money from a direct sale, but having comic shops and book vendors thinking “Hey, I just sold a bunch of these! I should order more!” is never a bad thing.
In the words of Igor from YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, “Suit yourself. I’m easy!”